Wednesday, June 1, 2011

mitsubishi 3000gt

mitsubishi 3000gt. Mitsubishi 3000GT Front View
  • Mitsubishi 3000GT Front View

  • whooleytoo
    Jun 11, 06:25 AM
    Originally posted by markjs
    I do audio and video editing on my PC, I can't think of anything a Mac can do my computer can't (and I'll wager I'll do anything cheaper, and being poor that's a serious consideration to me), and what is the big draw to the Mac. I realize this isn't the best forum for a two sided debate, but I am thowing it out there anyway.

    mitsubishi 3000gt. 1999 Mitsubishi 3000GT.
  • 1999 Mitsubishi 3000GT.

  • Aldaris
    Apr 30, 02:07 PM
    So you'd recommend the PC version over the MAC??


    mitsubishi 3000gt. 1993 Mitsubishi 3000GT 3000GT
  • 1993 Mitsubishi 3000GT 3000GT

  • elpmas
    Mar 18, 12:21 PM
    where are the pictures!? :O

    mitsubishi 3000gt. Mitsubishi 3000gt
  • Mitsubishi 3000gt

  • huntercr
    May 14, 11:25 PM
    So I've been loosely paying attention to this... what are the CPU/video requirements? I remember 2+ years ago there was aforum member who was a Blizzard employee saying there was a teenie tiny chance they would support powerPC ( which I know they're not doing now... that was 2 years ago )
    But is it even possible to dream about playing this on say a Mac Mini with a Core 2 Duo ?


    mitsubishi 3000gt. 1992 Mitsubishi 3000GT
  • 1992 Mitsubishi 3000GT

  • jelloshotsrule
    May 7, 04:27 PM
    Originally posted by scem0
    Does SJ really think that a 16 year old who
    has to pay for his own computer will be able to afford a mac?

    i agree that macs could be cheaper... but your reasoning isn't exactly perfect... i mean, does mr. bmw think that a 17 year old who just got his license and has to buy his own car can afford a bmw?

    you get the point.

    i know it's not the same, but yeah. word.

    mitsubishi 3000gt. 1996 Mitsubishi 3000GT Coupe
  • 1996 Mitsubishi 3000GT Coupe

  • shigzeo
    Nov 12, 11:01 AM
    I'm not sure why you guys think the ads are more amusing simply because they're in a foreign language :confused: Not everyone in the world speaks english.

    i do agree with this one, but more than that, your avatar is bloody ups!


    mitsubishi 3000gt. Mitsubishi : 3000GT Coupe
  • Mitsubishi : 3000GT Coupe

  • IntelliUser
    May 3, 11:32 AM
    As an American so you have no idea what conservative or liberal really means. Those words have been distorted by your politics over the last half century. Conservative is supposed to mean "balance the budget and pay down the debt" through prudent spending cuts without raising of taxes.

    What your so-called conservatives have done is cut taxes for the rich only, increased spending in the military industrial complex and refused to pass healthcare reform that could potentially save billions of dollars per year. The US spends more on healthcare per capita than any other country but it has the worst healthcare per capita than any other country in the world. Even Cuba has better healthcare.

    Being a conservative is not about having no social programs but rather it is about being fiscally responsible with tax payers money and spending on social programs that serve the majority of citizens and help promote a strong and healthy workforce. The workforce is the engine of the economy.

    Tax cuts are not a bad thing but they should only be done when the government is certain that the budget will be balanced or when they are needed for economic stimulus and they should be across the board or to people on the bottom end.

    What's liberalism then?

    mitsubishi 3000gt. Mitsubishi 3000GT 575 hood
  • Mitsubishi 3000GT 575 hood

  • nniicckk
    Apr 12, 03:45 PM
    A little off topic, but question for those who need Office software, and also run Parallels/Fusion: Do you prefer Office For Mac, or do you prefer to run "regular" Office in Parallels/Fusion? Thanks.

    I would very much prefer to use the native Mac versions but they are not sufficient at times. My documents often start out as slides with diagrams, which I then reuse in a word document when the details are nailed down. Have you ever tried copying diagrams from PowerPoint to word or vice-versa? (as diagrams, not slides) Everything gets messed up and font spacing goes for a toss.

    The only real way to keep your sanity is to use visio for the diagrams. And visio isn't available for the Mac, nor can you edit the diagrams in word. So, fusion + xp + office 2010 it is.

    Yes, I could use omni graffle pro in lieu of visio, but it's ~$200 and I got visio for $10 under microsoft's home use program.


    mitsubishi 3000gt. 1999 Mitsubishi 3000GT 2 Dr
  • 1999 Mitsubishi 3000GT 2 Dr

  • bradc
    Sep 27, 04:51 PM
    Luckily none of you have a Mac Pro with build 8K1079. It is complete *****. Build 8K1079 is horrible, hell-half of System Preferences doesn't work, Rosetta can't keep PPC apps open, can't plug in some USB devices, can't restart without holding power button down, the curtain of death happens.....a lot. So many problems with build 8K1079 that we don't/can't use it at work here.

    mitsubishi 3000gt. 1997 Mitsubishi 3000gt VR4
  • 1997 Mitsubishi 3000gt VR4

  • Marzzz
    Mar 13, 04:11 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I live in Arizona and we don't follow daylight savings time, but my phone jumped an hour ahead. I'm on AT&T btw

    Exact same thing happened to me, AT&T iPhone 4, set to "Arizona" (not Mountain) time. I power cycled the phone and it reset to the correct time.


    mitsubishi 3000gt. MITSUBISHI

  • Cerano
    Apr 24, 09:59 AM
    I think you mean an i5 or i7 ULV sandy bridge. The cpu will be much stronger but the graphics will be weaker (compared to the 320m nvidia chipset). Sandy bridge integrated graphics are twice arrandale graphics.

    Don't fall prey to the megahertz myth. Clock speed is not all. I've got a 3.2 GHz Pentium 4 computer (desktop) and my 1.66 GHz core 2 duo (laptop) completely destroys it, even on single threaded tasks. Core 2 duo was extremely efficient compared to pentium 4.
    Benchmarks for the i7 2657M (the best ULV processor). It looks pretty good. 3D mark 06 was better than the standard voltage i3 2310. It ranks around an arrandale standard voltage i3 for most of the benchmarks. In some it even passes some of the i5 CPUs. But for this to happen it needs good cooling.

    i was actually referring to Arrandales not SBs. SBs are far superior compared to the Arrandales. The Arrandale ULVs arent exactly fast.

    I actually have a thread on this here

    mitsubishi 3000gt. 1995 Mitsubishi 3000GT c
  • 1995 Mitsubishi 3000GT c

  • chmorley
    Sep 13, 08:44 AM
    Originally posted by ewinemiller
    ...and then factor out mhz, this is the list fastest to slowest: PIII-mobile, P4-533mhz bus, PIII-coppermine, G4-quicksilver, G3, PII. Of course with the boosted bus on the new G4s, this ranking may well have changed, but the point is, the P4 is no longer the laggard it was at it's introduction...

    ...I have to believe that Steve and Co. have something interesting up their sleeve because to follow Motorola's plodding updates to the G4 seems like a slow suicide and would be a terrible thing to do to the stockholders and fans of the platform.

    Before I get flamed about how it's worth the performance hit and cost to avoid the PCs reputation for more downtime. I haven't a problem like that since NT4 with sp3 as long as I use a top tier vender like dell. The handful of homegrown machines I've built since then have been notoriously twitchy, but is probably more an indicator of my skills as a system integrator not of the platform in general. Some great, true, and sad points. However, you are comparing old Macs with newer PCs. There are other factors besides processor speed that might be affecting your outcome. In addition, I wonder if the software you're using is optimized for AltiVec.

    Secondly, I agree that NT4 is notoriously stable. Isn't it a bit sad, though, that M$ofties have to use an old OS to get stability. Nonetheless, it is true that Wintel users can have greater speed and great stability on their machines. It's still not OS X, but if you're comfortable in the environment and get get things done (sometimes more) efficiently, why would you buy a new (more expensive) Mac.

    Thirdly, I think Motorola is keeping up with (the bastardaized interpretation of) Mohr's Law over the past year or two. The problem is that somewhere between their speed superiority and today, they lost ground.

    I love Apple, but if they don't find a way to catch up, they're dead in the water.


    p.s., Dell a "top tier" vendor?


    mitsubishi 3000gt. Wrx Mitsubishi 3000Gt
  • Wrx Mitsubishi 3000Gt

  • PowerFullMac
    Oct 25, 09:40 AM
    I might be there tomorrow not sure yet though... I haven't received word from my inside contact :D so im guessing not. :(

    mitsubishi 3000gt. 1996 Mitsubishi 3000GT
  • 1996 Mitsubishi 3000GT

  • Kilamite
    Oct 6, 10:32 AM
    No, I'm not talking about MP3 players I'm talking about phones. Nokia and Sony Ericsson, for example, is losing market share while Apple is gaining it from them.

    Yes, but your point was that Apple will fail like other manufactures if they introduce different form factors. That isn't the case with the iPod selection.

    Your point doesn't really hold much ground.


    mitsubishi 3000gt. Mitsubishi 3000GT VR4
  • Mitsubishi 3000GT VR4

  • robbieduncan
    Sep 27, 12:11 PM
    Lucky you.
    5D, not so much.

    Could be that the 400D came with the latest software. Have you tried getting an update from the Canon website (DPP 2.2 etc). I can PM you the version numbers of the various utilities later on if you want?

    mitsubishi 3000gt. Pearl Mitsubishi 3000GT SL
  • Pearl Mitsubishi 3000GT SL

  • vistadude
    Mar 30, 10:56 PM
    It doesn't show up in xcode either? Is there some option I'm missing?



    mitsubishi 3000gt. My 1995 Mitsubishi 3000GT VR-2
  • My 1995 Mitsubishi 3000GT VR-2

  • eburr
    Mar 14, 10:46 AM
    Willow Bend and Stonebrier don't have any

    mitsubishi 3000gt. 1996 Mitsubishi 3000Gt Vr4
  • 1996 Mitsubishi 3000Gt Vr4

  • jameskk
    May 2, 06:54 PM
    Got a white one today for my niece and it's exactly same thickness as my black one.

    mitsubishi 3000gt. Фото mitsubishi 3000gt
  • Фото mitsubishi 3000gt

  • bella92108
    Apr 1, 03:50 PM
    People are wrong who think Alacarte would boil down to a handful of channels. The opposite would happen as people would not purchase duplicate channels with similar content. They would choose the one they like best and then choose something more narrowly focused in their interest range.

    People are confusing ratings on tv with what people would actually pay for to have brought into their home every month. They are not the same thing.

    Yeah, people just listen to the media. Everyone I know would just buy what they want, even if that meant 2 channels.

    By their logic, cellular companies unlimited plan should be the only plan offered, and if cellular companies offered less then everyone would only buy the minimum plans, lol. Flawwed logic propagated by misinformation.

    Nov 22, 08:10 AM
    I remember reading either here or on Appleinsider that if this goes well enough, they can use this chip to replace batteries. The thing with that is, if we take away the battery, where does the original power come from? Correct me if I'm wrong, but it is my understanding that it'll take the heat from the cpu and convert it to electricity. If the computer was off and the cpu was the same temperature as the rest of the computer, how will it create the electricity? I'm all for using it, but as an addition to the battery, not a replacement for the battery.

    Sep 20, 10:00 AM
    Maybe I'm just too old school, but I'm a bit resentful of the fact that it's touted as a priviledge to have the opportunity to pay $2 to watch a missed TV show. I hope I'm wrong, but having joined the HDTV crowd about 6 months ago, I'm struggling to find a way to do what I've always been able to do for free in the past -- record a TV show at the same quality it was piped in to my home in the first place.

    Good luck with that. The world of broadcasting is doing everything they can to keep you from doing it.

    Time Warner Cable here in NC has HD DVR that works 'good enough' that has me not caring that I got rid of my TiVo after 5 years of having them. It records all the HD channels in full HD. I can get about 24 hours of programming in HD, or 70 - 80 hours in SD.

    Oct 26, 01:26 PM
    You can almost hear the cries of relief of all those people who put off buying a G5 and waited for Intel.

    Years of support for the PPC my left arse cheek!

    Apr 25, 10:54 PM
    I am looking for the full schedule for the developer conference. Specifically, I need to know when we will be done on Friday. This will help me book my tickets back to my town. Can someone help me with this? ( If there is another thread specifically about the developer conference, please point me to that as well. )

    Friday is usually the miscellaneous sessions day, when the less important (or popular I might say) sessions are held. Of course you can leave whenever you want but Friday is still a full day. I would plan on staying the entire day if you can. Leaving Saturday morning is best as you can relax on Friday :)

    Mar 24, 03:31 PM
    I'm already getting two iPad 2s for me & my wife & I saw this & wanted to get one for my daughter. My wife made a pretty good statement of "Do we need to go from no iPads to three in one house?"

    Chalk up another version of "Wife said no."

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