Wednesday, June 1, 2011

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  • boffo
    Apr 24, 06:01 AM
    More storage please! I guess that means a 512GB SSD.

    All I want is a 13" Mac laptop with a 1440x900 display and with enough storage space for all my stuff.

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  • kgtenacious
    Apr 27, 12:40 AM
    Lemme' guess - it's going to be distributed through the app store, and everytime there is an update, you have to download an 8 GB install program for each update, ala XCode 4 :mad:

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  • mikelegacy
    Jan 4, 12:58 PM
    If you have the 2gig plan, I wish you the best! (oh, stay away from Skype video chat and Howard Stern streaming too).

    I find it so ironic that caps are the norm now and companies seem to be adding streaming services daily. It's a freight train headed in the wrong overages are becoming more and more likely.
    It's complete and total BS man. Then on their commercials that basically advertise "HEY YOU CAN STREAM NETFLIX FROM ANYWHERE!!!!", but then when you call and complain, they tell you that they don't recommend doing that. I hope that VZW does get the iPhone, offers a better or unlimited data plan and AT&T declares bankruptcy. That's what I hope.

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  • Kengineer
    Sep 22, 06:33 PM
    Anyone know whether or not the IMACs are going to be updated in the next few months?

    I am starting to look for a new computer (switching from a PC to a MAC) and trying to get a handle on when possible updates might be released if any. I would hate to buy in the next couple months when all I had to do was wait until the end of the year.

    Thanks for the help...:)


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  • blacktape242
    Feb 18, 04:47 PM
    Very skillful in how Jobs face and legs are hidden. Im beginning to think the newspapers are right about his condition.

    could just be coincidence....i wouldn't read to much into that....

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  • wizard
    Jun 18, 04:15 PM
    That is hiding specs from people that would really like to know. That is the people who read the spec sheets and have good reason to do so. Little things add up be it the RAM in an iPhone/iPad, what the SD slot is capable of or any of a number of other devices that are poorly speced on the machine. Is it that difficult to just be honest with your users? Further where is the advantage of not coming clean?

    The info gleaned above would seem to indicate that the port can do 250 MB/s less overhead. That would mean that the SD card could become one excellent boot device if cards with that speed actually become available. That would mean one could raid the two drives in the server and keep the OS on the SD card. That ought too make for a nice file server.

    The other thing would be the possibility of booting alternative OS'es in a reasonable fashion. Seems like a great way to run Linux.

    Ugly is the reality that the tech has to now catch up with the standard. This could take awhile and I'm not sure we will ever see two terabyte SD cards.


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  • nagromme
    Dec 28, 09:38 AM
    This just means everyone in NYC is about to get a free iPod Tablet with lifetime 3G service and video calling. Hang in there.

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  • typecase
    Feb 16, 10:28 PM
    I apologize if this has been covered before but as a new switcher to the Mac I was wondering if simply dragging a folder from Applications and deleting the preferences are enough for a complete uninstall. From years of working with Windows I've come to expect that programs cannot completely be removed even with uninstallers unless a manual search and destroy is initiated or a cleaner is used. Either the program would leave .dll files in the /system directory or there would be long-lived entries in the windows registry. Do any of these situations exist on the mac or have my years as a Windows user corrupted my thinking? Is there something akin to the registry on OS X?


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  • gauchogolfer
    Sep 25, 10:02 AM
    Google translator is your friend:

    German site in funny English (

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  • AppleMc
    Mar 10, 10:03 PM
    What are the odds one of you Friscoans will post an update around 3:30-4:00ish and let me know what the line (or lack thereof) at Stonebriar is looking like?? Now I'm debating between Willow Bend and Stonebriar...


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  • Roessnakhan
    Apr 19, 12:47 PM

    I had such a great mental image:eek:

    Its like someone shaking an expensive Etch-A-Sketch

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  • Paramount
    Nov 18, 06:00 AM
    Nice. I should have thought about that too


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  • BigJohno
    Mar 26, 03:09 PM
    It looks like they are right outside of an Apple store!

    ha you would think they would want to chat inside or something. Wow I wonder who that is wearing blue jeans and a black shirt out side an APPLE store. haha

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  • steve knight
    Apr 8, 12:40 AM
    People won't have sex if they aren't educated about birth control.

    ya that must be it. before planned parent hood people did not have sex till after marriage or even then. surprised humans survived at all.


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  • ConanTX
    Nov 9, 10:04 PM
    If a store's inventory uses RFID, then a retail associate could quickly locate merchandise if their iPhone was able to detect RFID signals. Walking up to a wall of jeans and being able to instantly find the size and style you need in a mess left after a big sale would be a great time saver. The employee could also take inventory just by walking through the department.

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  • Lord Appleseed
    Apr 21, 10:23 AM
    Ivy Bridge's IGP will have 16 EUs (compared to 12 in SB IGP) along with DirectX 11 and OpenCL 1.1 support. If the clock speeds stay the same, then it would be around 50% faster than the current one, although that isn't that big of an upgrade.

    Apple never said they removed the BL KB because it is a luxury feature. In fact, none of us knows why Apple removed it.

    My guess is it's either to save battery, or they just needed the last bit of space


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  • abbstrack
    Aug 19, 09:59 AM
    not available in my region yet.

    my 'region' is NYC.

    I dont throw this term around much, but i'd say this is a launch *fail*

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  • andys53
    Mar 28, 09:16 AM
    I can't upgrade my phone untill sept so if they can hold off the release of the iPhone 5 i'd be super greatful :D

    You could always hold off till the iPhone 6 comes out...... :p

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  • miamijim
    Apr 13, 04:11 AM
    What about denying somebody a job because of their, say, intelligence? Charisma? Any number of things that are largely predetermined?

    I used to work for a Major Music retailer and when interviewing people we always decided who would get the job based upon personality... If say we had 10 CV's these would already be the good CV's as the bad ones never got to the interview stage...

    So out of the 10 candidates be they White, Black or Asian, Male or Female the one that got the job would be the one whom we felt would bring the most to the team.

    IE would we like to spend time with this person outside of work as well as inside.

    Sep 26, 09:21 AM
    There are two things going on here, that are very different:

    Apple cannot own the word "pod." Sorry guys, you built your brand on a regular 'ol common word. Apple derived a benefit from using an existing word as part of their product name and they can't just turn that around and take the whole damn word for themselves. They could have called it the "iKerbock" you know, and they'd now own "kerbock." But then, they wouldn't have sold as many iKerbocks as iPods, I'd bet.

    However, iPod is Apple's word and they should clearly be able to stop people from using it, especially in an mp3 playing context.

    podcast - public domain word
    iPodcast - infriges on Apple's trademark.

    To put it another way: If Apple can decide to own the word pod, what other words can be owned?

    Sep 27, 07:33 PM
    I guess I am sorry I created all the confusion,

    Yes, my original post was a joke,
    yes, it was referring to "Quake I",
    yes, Quake I never required video hardware,
    yes, Quake I runs like a bat out of hell already on the new machines,

    so the OpenGL multithreading would make Quake I run much faster, because I need to see the difference between choppy 300 fps and much smoother 375 fps.

    I apologize for the humor.

    Apr 9, 09:21 PM
    It is so much easier to abort than to raise a child.

    Are you suggesting it is harder to abort than to raise a child?

    Until you've done both, and lived with the consequences, your opinion is worthless.

    Mar 24, 06:10 AM
    Wirelessly posted (SAMSUNG-SGH-A821/1.0 SHP/VPP/R5 NetFront/3.4 SMM-MMS/1.2.0 profile/MIDP-2.0 configuration/CLDC-1.1)

    New iPhone, now available on black, white or camo

    Jan 6, 03:29 PM
    Push Notifications are when your phone automatically checks for updates, alerts etc. without you having to open the app right? I guess it's just misleading to me because when I hear "push" notifications, I think of something that happens when I push the app or open it up.

    Thanks for the fast response!
    No, PN is when the Apple Push Notification server tells your phone you have a notification. The apps do not need to be running. Its suppose to save you battery life by not having multiple apps open all the time.

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