Wednesday, June 1, 2011

i love you and miss you quotes

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  • Legion93
    May 2, 01:56 PM
    "You're holding it wrong"
    - Steve Jobs

    Sent from my iPhone

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  • MacRS4
    May 2, 06:16 PM
    Well, for what it's worth, my white iPhone 4 fits the Mophie battery pack exactly the same as my black one does. Can't see any difference either. Well, except one is white.

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  • UngratefulNinja
    Apr 7, 07:20 AM
    There's a bunch of threads on this, including one big one.

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  • revelated
    Apr 12, 09:12 PM
    So what's fixed?
    To me, in Office nothing seemed broken.

    In a LOT of people's mind, it's broken until they put support for Exchange 2003/WebDAV back in.


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  • djdole
    Mar 23, 04:57 PM
    I'm all for more agencies adopting Macs! Heck, one day we might be able to classify them as switchers :D

    You do understand that it's not that they're adopting them as their primary system for day to day use, but rather they're purchasing more because (with the slight increase in popularity of the OSX platform) they have to be able to counter said OSX threats.
    They're mirroring the increased OSX hacker population. This isn't really anything for any Apple fanboi to be proud of.

    Someone recently said Windows is a house with bars in a bad neighborhood and OSX being a house without locks in the country.
    That being true, the FBI is just reacting in the expected manner to the increasing the number of criminals in the country (due to the increased number of country houses).

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  • i love you alot quotes. I Miss

  • dubbz
    Jun 12, 03:59 PM
    What a cool little widget :) It actually made me reinstall F@H on my comps, so three cheers to you :D

    1x PM G4 466Mhz - Yay! :rolleyes: At least it'll fold most of the time.
    1x PB G4 1.33GHz - Which is my main comp at the moment so not much time.
    1x Athlon XP 2600+ - A friend is keeping it at my place for a while, so I'll just borrow it a little bit. Will probably fold most of the time.
    Getting 1x Athlon 64 3200+ in a week or so, which I'll also install F@H on.

    /Trying to avoid dropping into 800th place.


    i love you and miss you quotes. i miss you quotes for friends.
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  • Gasu E.
    Mar 25, 09:20 AM
    i bet they had people there with MBA's from good schools running financial what if's and telling management to avoid digital because they will make less money due to not selling the film or anything other than the camera

    They did not avoid digital at all, in fact they were an early entrant to digital. The problem was that they were used to having a lucrative near-monopoly in film, a fat side business in film processing and a nice low-end camera business built around proprietary "connvenience" film packaging. They were now facing aggressive consumer electronics companies who were used to relently feature upgrades and short model lifecycles. Moreover, they could not rely on their film dominance to keep competitors at a disadvantage. In other words, they had to change their business model completely-- from near monopoly to completely competitive-- in order to success in the new business. Only a fraction of companies manage to do this successfully.

    Keep in mind, also, due to the increased competition and lack of a film component, that the opportunity for Kodak in digital was much smaller than their film and related businesses. It's very hard to manage a shrinking company, and even harder if you are also trying to reinvent yourself.

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  • inkhead
    Sep 1, 01:31 PM
    When the hell is Apple going to seed leopard to us select developers? Also an update of the WWDC videos would be nice. It sucks when you get hospitalized and can't recover in TIME to go to WWDC.

    The least Apple could do is treat developers who are excited and PAY for select accounts (myself included) with a little respect and post some of the leopard stuff. geeze.

    If you are an Apple developer unable to leave your country or travel to the united states and physically attend the conference in San Francisco you are pretty much screwed.

    It annoys me that I pay for this treatment, yet Microsoft is more than happy to release all kinds of pre beta stuff to me just for signing up as a developer.

    Apple TAKE CARE of your paying developers. Geeze.


    i love you and miss you quotes. i love you quotes.
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  • tmaxxtigger
    Mar 11, 10:01 PM
    50th in line at Allen BB, but they did not have much left by the time they reached me, mostly white and 3G that not many wanted, bummer. Target and Walmart in the area has little to nothing either.

    i love you and miss you quotes. i love you quotes. i miss you
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  • Chip NoVaMac
    Dec 9, 11:41 PM
    RIP Elizabeth Edwards... you deserve the rest from your fight...


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  • smugDrew
    Apr 20, 06:13 PM
    As soon as Sandybridge based MBA's arrive, I'm buying.

    Don't want an outdated C2D and Nv's video chipset, I've seen the HD3000 in action and it's very good. Does everything I want and much more.

    i love you and miss you quotes. love you and miss you quotes
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  • puffnstuff
    Mar 26, 04:54 PM

    Steve:Let's go discuss this somewhere more private
    Schmidt: My place or yours?


    i love you and miss you quotes. love you miss you quotes
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  • menziep
    Sep 25, 10:52 AM
    The site has been updated!

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  • i love you so much quotes. why

  • Scooterman1
    Jun 10, 06:47 PM
    Competition is always GOOD.


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  • i love you so much quotes.

  • Unorthodox
    Sep 25, 10:01 AM
    The Apple Store isn't even down..... :(

    i love you and miss you quotes. Love You And Miss You Quotes.
  • Love You And Miss You Quotes.

  • Westacular
    Mar 23, 05:31 PM
    While they're at it, why don't they just integrate the whole Apple TV GUI into the TV and get rid of the crappy TV GUIs?

    Motorola ROKR.

    It's conceivable that they'd license AirPlay because, well, on the display end, it's simple and doesn't involve an interface. It's like plugging in a screen or speakers, only wireless. But there's no way in hell Apple is going to leave any aspect of the rest of the "Apple TV" user experience in another manufacturer's hands. Not again, and not when they can sell the Apple TV for only $100. If the interface shows an Apple logo and lets your browse your iTunes library, it's going to be a 100% Apple product.


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  • why do i love you so much

  • mrwheet
    Nov 18, 10:12 AM
    So a 17 year old can do it but a gigantic company with $50 billion lying there can't. Seems logical to me. :rolleyes:

    Wake up Steve. Seriously.

    Well, if rumours about the reason for white iPhone delays are correct (i.e., leakage from the white casing affecting camera performance), then he's just selling Apple's rejects. Fair enough, I suppose, if people are willing to pay for them (especially that much $$$). It would be interesting to hear reports about camera performance after the conversion.

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  • BWhaler
    Sep 1, 02:07 AM
    For some reason this bummed me out.

    I guess I was hopeful that the developer preview was an old build with just enough for the developers to test their apps, and just enough cool new stuff to keep the public interested.

    I was hoping that the build was 6 - 8 months old, and Apple was working on a build with all of the top secret features that was going to blow us away.

    But I guess while there are obviously a few things up Apple's sleave, we've seen a good chunk of Leopard. I guess that makes sense given each release has 3 - 5 meaningful new features, and 20 or so little new nice touches.

    I guesss my hope stemmed from the opportunity to slap Microsoft and Vista. Looks like Leopard is going to be a typical release.

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  • EJBasile
    Sep 14, 08:48 PM
    EJBasile: for the record, do you know what happens when you ask for extra anesthesia before surgery? :) ;)

    it's a rare moment that someone is awake through surgery. usually, i understand, it's a result of a specific patient's reaction to anesthesia, not the administration of it.

    of course, that didn't stop me from expressing my fears, the last time I was under :) the anesthesiologist was very thorough, he has clearly answered that question a lot.

    You can't ask for extra anesthesia. Unless you want a better chance of killing yourself. Anesthesiology is actually not exactly entirely a science, it has quite a bit of technique to it. You can awake from surgery if you have a reaction to it, but if you don't get enough, that can also make you awake. You aren't fully awake. Your conscious, but your movement is inhibited. Just like if you take 1mg of Alegra it won't do anything, but if you take 180mg of Alegra, it will work (unless it just doesn't work for you).

    There have been few reports of people remembering what happens though. For instance a lady getting her appendix out, another one getting her eye removed (thats gotta hurt), and another lady having some kind of tooth surgery.

    Mar 23, 12:21 AM
    I understand what most of you are saying, and for the most part agree. I'm still using my D70s, and getting pics that still get compliments from people. On the other hand, I've been wanting a 70-200 for a while now. Not sure if this falls under the superfluous 'let's-buy-more-gear' mentality, or the 'i-want-to-try-new-type-of-vision' mentality.

    What do you think?

    I've been doing most of my hobby with an 11-16 and 35mm.

    Mar 11, 11:53 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    There will be plenty of stock for everyone. Its just a matter of how long you will wait to get one.

    Nov 11, 06:43 PM
    Those two actor's names are only known in America, I'm sure Japanese have never heard of them (and probably don't care much either), Australians wouldn't know who they are.

    What's your point?

    Apr 27, 10:02 AM
    Thanks Palter. Based on all your input, I booked my ticket on a 7 P.M. flight. Hopefully I can leave Moscone by 5 P.M. and make it. I assume it will take a bit longer than usual at that time of the day to get to San Francisco International Airport -SFO ( Google says half an hour with traffic )

    Nov 11, 11:31 AM
    Anyone else notice that in either language, the tissue in the ad for viruses appears to be an iKlear screen wipe? I could be wrong, but seeing as how the actors roles are computers, it makes sense. :)

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