Wednesday, June 1, 2011

nsa wallpaper

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  • ipod touch wallpaper joker.

  • rumorguy
    Apr 4, 05:08 PM
    To the left of Steve is a reflection in the window, you see two men--one is holding a reader board--probably the scrip that Steve is using. Or is it Woz, with his new Ipad? :apple:

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  • selena gomez hot wallpapers.

  • blackstarliner
    Oct 13, 03:43 AM
    my bet is they have several different manufacturers. with macbook split up between 2-3 builders.

    I thought it was common knowledge that due to the great demand* for MBs, Apple had to find a second manufacturer to meet orders. Hence all the delays a month or two ago. Is it just me or why haven't folk put 2 and 2 together?

    * despite being 'overpriced', 'obsolete' POS that no-one in their right mind would consider when you can have a dell with magical c2d for 300 bucks less? :confused:

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  • wallpaper interior design

  • jayducharme
    Oct 9, 03:24 PM
    Misleading headline, if it weren't for the question mark. The article seems like an ad for Symantec. The author begins by refuting the "NSFW" assertion but then ends saying that Symantec might offer a good solution.

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  • arcelona fc wallpaper 2010.

  • roadbloc
    May 5, 11:30 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2 like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C134 Safari/6533.18.5)

    MS just doesn't get it. No OS X, no sale......etc....

    That's in your opinion. None of which applies to the majority of people in the real world.

    I'm seeing my friends head off to uni. And in this current economic climate they are looking for a cheap but durable laptop to do their work on. Windows 7 is the best OS offering from Microsoft yet.

    No obligation to spend extra for a Mac, nor is there any desire to join you in your post-PC era and attempt to type many lines of coursework on a Tablet that needs a computer to run anyway.

    Macs sales are growing at the same pace as the industry. This industry that is apparently post-PC. Basically, Microsoft are not loosing sleep over Mac sales. Microsoft are not going anywhere.


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  • Indian Actress Wallpapers

  • kingsmuse
    Mar 23, 02:42 PM
    And this will help apple how? People aren't gana buy iOS devices for airplay but will for the atv.

    It will help Apple sell their products to people like me who won`t ever purchase any IOS device until the system is opened up to be compatible across different platforms.

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  • selena gomez wallpaper 2011

  • SteveSparks
    Mar 26, 06:43 PM
    Ya. Page 1..

    This is a good rumor thread....


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  • naruto wallpaper akatsuki.

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 19, 03:38 PM
    I wish Expos� would have been in iOS 4. I really don't like the current multitasking option.

    I like it on my iPad but expose would have been much better.

    Also, using gestures would make much more sense with expose; plus I think its a better experience overall. :)

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  • black ops guns wallpaper.

  • rdowns
    Apr 26, 09:16 AM
    And the press keeps enabling this *******.


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  • mobile wallpaper sad. sad

  • davidwes
    Apr 1, 09:53 AM
    Do these companies really want people to pay for the same content twice? Surely they can't realistically expect to a get premium for viewing in the same location but just through a different medium?

    Of course they do!!!!!

    Its the same with music companies who feel that if you want to listen to your purchased music at home and then anywhere else you should pay twice.

    nsa wallpaper. dark knight joker wallpaper.
  • dark knight joker wallpaper.

  • TheMacBookPro
    Apr 25, 07:53 AM
    That's pretty cool. Trust Sony to push the envelope like that.

    Sony had a lot of innovative products in 2010 but they (for no discernible reason) decided to discontinue all three products (VAIO Z, X, P).

    The P fits in my pocket, the X is insanely light and thin (and somehow managing to shoehorn internal Ethernet and VGA to something that's lighter/thinner/smaller than the Air) and the Z was simply astonishing. Non-LV i7 proc, GT330M graphics, 512GB SSD, Blu-ray and a Full HD 13.1" LED screen (covering 96% of Adobe's RGB colors!) in something that was the same weight as the last-gen 13" Air.

    Why they discontinued them I'll never know. Glad I bought them while I could :)

    Ignoring current situations and if I could have it any way I want:

    Macbook Air 11.6''

    - Intel I5 ULV, 6mb FSB

    - Nvidia GeForce GTX 460M

    - SD Card Slot

    - Thunderbolt Port in ADDITION to 2 USB ports.

    - Get rid of the bezel around the screen and either make the screen slightly larger or make it black edge similar to MBP.

    I would just settle for the i5 and Nvidia chip. As for the collapsable ethernet port... moving parts? ew.

    And somehow having to buy/carry around another bulky dongle, and using up another one of the USB ports, is better?

    Not to mention that the internal Ethernet port could support up to Gigabit speeds while the extEthernet would only support up to 100Mbps (due to USB's limitation of 480mbps).

    Yeah, all of the above limitations/annoyances sounds way better than having a collapsible Ethernet port :rolleyes:

    ...and GTX460M in an Air? Yeah good luck with that. Do you want worse battery life and a melted casing or what?

    Is this not a dream thread!

    Fine 410m.

    @ Retina display. I seriously doubt IGP 3000 is capable of even running OS X at this resolution let alone anything 3D based like a game.

    You do realize that the 410M is a dedicated graphics chip? There is no space for a dedicated card on the Air's mobo.
    Besides- the 410M performs slightly worse than the HD3000 and is thus worse than the current 320M. And thus, if you doubt the HD3000 can run OS X at a 'retina' resolution, good luck with the 410M. The only thing going for the 410 is the better NVIDIA drivers.

    Not if you have this

    See above.

    I bet it will come in the next 2 years ;)

    We'll see. I highly doubt it, but we'll see.


    nsa wallpaper. People detection or NSA
  • People detection or NSA

  • Raid
    May 3, 01:51 PM
    How the hell did you guys elect that fool? I'm even more concerned for you Canadians now. I got no good answer for you Lee, I didn't vote for that party. Maybe the minority position of the last two conservative government gave them a softer image than before, maybe it was due to the lack of a strong Liberal leadership, maybe people were tired of going to the polls and wanted a 4 year break... I got 'nothin. :o

    nsa wallpaper. wallpaper paisaje.
  • wallpaper paisaje.

  • Adam-
    Apr 5, 11:26 AM
    When you are watching a YouTube video, I tend to forget where the home button is. Or when surfing the web for some time while in the dark.

    And I don't literally mean glow in the dark like those cheap Halloween things, I'm talking about an actual light behind the capitative square symbol which has a sensor which turns on when there is a certain level of darkness.

    I can easily envisage this happening . It would look fantastic.

    Wouldn't that be so annoying in the dark, like the backlight on the keyboard of a MBP when your watching a movie?


    nsa wallpaper. hd portal wallpaper. Portal 2
  • hd portal wallpaper. Portal 2

  • stridemat
    Jan 6, 03:27 PM
    Facebook under settings

    Settings / Facebook / Push Notifications

    thanks for the help! I feel very stupid now!:o

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  • Friendship Wallpapers For

  • Detektiv-Pinky
    Apr 15, 02:12 AM
    According to her blog she left Microsoft months ago and went to work for (I think) VMWare

    Ah, to bad :(

    It was helpful to have a shortcut into their Mac development team. I tried to deal with the German support team - which I think is the same that also handles the Windows crowd - and I got the impression that Office for Mac issues are just a tiny blob on their screens.
    I got them so far as to acknowledge that they can reproduce the bug in PowerPoint. However they then told me that they can not get through to the people in the US and that even if they could the developers would not listen to them anyway - go figure...


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  • wallpaper rockies.

  • rmhop81
    Mar 23, 01:39 PM
    how bout let's make sure that airplay video playback works first before you try to license it out. has not work from day 1 on my appletv

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  • wallpapers nature beach.

  • chisnic
    Apr 12, 03:08 PM
    It was announced, see that with SP1, contacts, calendar and notes can now be synced through iTunes. BUT it doesn't! Anyone know what happened?


    nsa wallpaper. soccer ball wallpaper.
  • soccer ball wallpaper.

  • dejo
    Oct 27, 07:38 PM
    This isn't 2004. 1gb total storage for email and idisk is pitiful when Yahoo, Hotmail and Google already offer over 2gb of email space alone, for free.
    Sure, but how much "iDisk" space are they offering? ;)

    nsa wallpaper. NSA does not have a security
  • NSA does not have a security

  • Eraserhead
    Apr 9, 04:00 AM
    Source for the quote?

    nsa wallpaper. wallpaper laptop. wallpaper
  • wallpaper laptop. wallpaper

  • firestarter
    Apr 5, 06:30 PM
    don't ask me! ask the EU about it. i don't make the regulations. but i can tell you this, they want a standard port for charging purposes and data transfer, so that you have to deal with fewer cables. it's not a bad idea, if you think about it.

    Those damn Europeans are just so UNAMERICAN!

    ROFL! :D

    Sep 19, 11:00 PM
    Please, enough with the spec matching. :rolleyes: I'll tell you where the missing $1500 went: research and development, OS X (That's a big one...), and the fact that you know that your computer is an all around better machine.

    Don't make me use the Geo and Viper car anology again. :eek:


    Nov 18, 07:02 AM
    So a 17 year old can do it but a gigantic company with $50 billion lying there can't. Seems logical to me. :rolleyes:

    Wake up Steve. Seriously.

    Don't fault apple for insisting that the white iPhone parts match perfectly.
    You can bet that if the suppliers could make parts to apples standards, then apple would sell white iPhone.
    If someone does a conversion and then has minor issues such as light leak and parts not matching 100%, they will most likely put up wih it.

    If apple sold white iphones with the same issues, it would be a disaster and a public relations nightmare. So many people who read these forums complain about things so minor, and yet they will put second rate parts on their iPhones and be happy with them.
    I don't blame apple one bit for scrubbing the white iPhone.

    Go figure!

    Apr 2, 07:02 PM
    I hate the fact Pages always defaults to US English spelling. There seems to be no permanent way to switch to UK English! Arrrgh. No offence to Americans, but there are other people in the world.

    Feb 21, 09:50 PM
    A very sad video of Steve Jobs has been posted online. I already feel like an evil voyeur for viewing it, so I don't want to link to it...but I'm almost in tears.

    Actually, I see it's already being discussed on MacRumors:

    80s Fan
    Jan 7, 03:29 PM
    Is there a way to specify which comments you get push notifications for? I'm interested in get pn for comments my updates but not really interested in getting pn for my friends status update which I comment on. E-mails are fine for those.

    Anyone know? Thanks.

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