Thursday, June 2, 2011

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  • dasmb
    Apr 5, 09:04 AM
    So I guess this means there's nothing wrong with the antenna?

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  • Flynnstone
    Apr 27, 01:50 PM
    Not sure, but have you checked "Grapher"? (part of OS X).

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  • Clive At Five
    Dec 2, 10:00 AM
    I'll take my own definition over Apple's or yours. Seriously, the phone is damn good looking, but you'll take Apple's opinion over your on?

    Lol, touch�. Burn those fanboys!

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  • twoodcc
    May 14, 11:05 AM
    Wow the team is doing really good at the moment, we are set to overtake now before we get overtaken ourseleves. We have some 11 new members over the last week and have over 80 folder, lets get this to 100 :D

    Go team this is very exciting.

    yeah we are looking a little better, but we have a long way to go!

    but i believe the more active we are in this forum, the more people will join


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  • Huntn
    May 1, 08:22 AM
    1. Real men ride Harleys.

    And Mac users consider themselves as computer savy, LOL! They prefer a simple OS that a monkey could use. Now that's savy.

    If a person is looking for the best overall experience, even if they lack technical skills, if not luck, it could be a very savvy decision. :)

    *sigh* Okay I give up.

    I don't think you are fearful and defensive. :)

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  • Laird Knox
    May 2, 06:14 PM
    It's pretty clear that the lens is in a deeper "well" in the white model. This is consistent with the rumor that light was impinging on the camera in the white model. What you need to do is limit all light that isn't coming from directly in front of the lens. No light from the side, and definitely no light from the inside of the camera. The way to fight it if you have an SLR? Invest in an old fashioned thing called a bellows, which shields the lens from any light that isn't coming from the area you can focus on, and which doesn't do anything but add glare or make blacks in the picture more like dark gray. This deeper camera acts like a bellows, I presume, blocking any light coming through the white, more translucent body.

    Nice theory except that a bellows goes between the lens and the camera. I believe the item you are looking for is a lens shade. ;)


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  • iris_failsafe
    Oct 26, 02:08 PM
    Actually they are concerned that their mac share is growing and they were not ready for it. Within their creative apps macs are over 50% and growing.
    Here is the article

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  • leomac08
    Jun 25, 10:00 AM
    A mistake? Unless I'm mistaken, when the 40GB PS3 was released, it was $399, and the 80GB version was $499. At least, those were the normal prices when I bought my 40GB.'s wasn't a mistake it was given to me for free....but it was during those times that the PS3 was the main deal and people rioted and fought and they were several people who were victims of theft when it came out.:D


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  • netdog
    Oct 26, 07:32 AM
    How about some reports live from Regent Street?

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  • Spaceboy88
    Apr 5, 08:43 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Capacitive home button sounds believable as apple has gone away with buttons on the MacBooks trackpad. Apple likes touch, not clicking. Lol

    I don't buy it. What a nightmare that would be if just touching that area of the iPod took you back to the home screen. (Even the MacBook trackpads require a physical 'click' in order to register.) This would be a usability disaster.


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  • Mattie Num Nums
    Apr 14, 09:35 AM
    Anyone who seriously believes the fairy tale about dropping support for Exchange I ask you - why then does Microsoft support it still in 2010 Office and always have? Betcha don't have a valid answer, but I do. Microsoft knows the game and how to play it.

    Because Office 2010 uses MAPI. Its WebDAV that has gone away.

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  • mkrishnan
    Nov 11, 11:24 AM
    kawakatta tte nani? kawaikatta deshou ka? ;):D

    *****urei shimashita! :o


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  • SilentLoner
    Apr 19, 11:17 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Something doesn't seem right with these videos. It seems like a tack job+jailbreak

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  • 28monkeys
    Apr 5, 10:07 AM
    fair and square


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  • rhett7660
    Mar 24, 02:50 PM
    Crap... that is a freaking steel and well there just went the resell value of everyone's first gen iPad, including me. Oh well.

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  • Warbrain
    Apr 5, 10:16 AM
    A MacBook trackpad does NOT need a click to register.
    You can change the settings so that you do not need to click at all, it simply takes your touch as a click. I use it in this way all the time, I NEVER click the touchpad.

    Yes but you do not need to use it as a physical button.
    You can use the MacBook 100% without EVER clicking the physical button.
    The trackpad can be setup in System Preferences to respond to a touch as a click rather than a physical click. That is the way I have used it from days one and I have no issues with it at all.

    I always question the sanity of people who use laptops this way.


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  • relimw
    Sep 27, 11:20 AM
    Apple has periods in which they allow people to apply for AppleSeed accounts. The purpose is to help them test their OS updates and releases in environments they are not able to replicate themselves. To this end I am not sure how your friend can 'get' you a seed account, legitimately. if you go the AppleSeed page you are generally greeted with the message

    "We are not seeking new participants. You must have an invitation in order to log in."

    That being said, anything relating to the seeds you would download are covered by NDA (non-disclosure agreement) and are legally binding. So your answer would be you cannot, legally, talk about those issues in any other forum then the one they provide.
    The Select and Premier account levels allow the principle owner to give out Seed access to any ADC member. That means if you have a free account, and I'm a Premier member, I could give you seed access.

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  • NebulaClash
    Apr 5, 10:05 AM
    I hang out on MR a lot. And a lot of other tech blogs as well. And I love my iPad 2.

    Crap... I'm certainly not normal but I love iPad 2. What am I?

    The iPad has broad appeal and I'm willing to bet at least a few people in that room love the iPad and didn't agree with Wozniak when he made the comment.

    No, they agreed with Woz for they got what he was saying. Generalities contain truth despite the exceptions in that room, you, and me. What are you? Able to see the forest despite the trees.

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  • Andronicus
    Aug 19, 12:09 PM

    Thank you sir! Just disabled my auto-enabled anti-privacy settings.

    That's a good article I like the first comment by a poster there, "Nice to see facebook took all that bad press about their privacy settings so seriously."

    Jason Beck
    Jun 18, 06:44 PM
    You guys realize the 2TB is just a theorized maximum? The technology is quite there yet.

    I would be happy with even 1TB Sd. :D

    Nov 21, 04:08 PM
    hmm... i wonder if they're a public company. If they can get rid of those problems, and what they're talking about actually works, then i think that company's stock will get pretty high

    Oct 26, 02:11 PM
    I miss Sound Edit 16.
    I used that app so much in the old days... way before Macromedia and Adobe got into the game. :rolleyes:

    Apr 24, 01:36 PM
    here are your stats Dukebound Click (

    Mar 21, 09:24 PM
    There's a chain email going around here in NZ saying not to buy from BP or Mobil for the rest of the year. I'm not expecting it to do much good though...

    I hate those. Or when I hear people talking about it. How do they expect that to do anything?

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