Sunday, June 5, 2011

hip hop clothes

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  • iphones4evry1
    Nov 6, 02:01 AM
    I could see it being beneficial in some cases, such as being used as an access key to identify you or to identify you as the buyer of E-tickets (but at the same time, it would allow retailers to identify you when you walk in the door; which would allow advertising conglomerates to collect even more data on you. Wait until individual aisles have readers - "Dave walked down the toothpaste aisle at Target on Saturday, November 3, at 5:13pm. On the 4th, he walked down the condom aisle at CVS at 9:59pm." :eek: :eek: :eek:

    (Seriously Folks, this RFID thing Apple is plotting might not be the best idea.
    Apple will probably try to charge retailers and advertising companies, such as
    Doubleclick (which will become like the credit bureaus of consumer data), but
    it will make George Orwell's 1984 one step closer)

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  • hip hop clothing brand

  • finalcut
    May 1, 07:10 AM
    Finalcut, the GameStop copy may say "PC" but Blizzard's games are playable on both Mac and PC using the same disc. Even on GameStop if you open up the System Requirements, under OS it says "Windows / Mac."

    That being said, the code that GameStop is usable for both PCs and Macs. The code activates the game in your account, from there you can either download the PC installer or the Mac installer. I'm downloading the Mac installer right now (I got the code about 1.5 hours ago but I was in the middle of a final) and it says it will take about 70 minutes to complete (big file...).

    Excited to play, even if it is a little glitchy at first I've been waiting for this game for a LONG time, wish I would've known I could've entered the beta before now. I have the newest Core i7 15" MBP so it'll be interesting to see how it handles that hardware, it should be plenty capable.ahh thanks for the clarifications
    I'm gonna pre-order then

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  • hip-hop style clothes

  • Jesus
    Nov 21, 05:13 PM
    This tech, as it has been said before is nothing new, I remember reading a very inforative article in New Scientist about making the ultimate heat ---> energy chip, and there is an alloy that when heated on one side it creates a strong electric current. I think they planned on putting them in cars, by the engine to power electronics in the car. What is new is the idea of putting it by a computers cpu.

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  • MacRumors
    Mar 25, 08:24 AM (


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  • kingdonk
    Feb 28, 07:17 PM
    Xgrid and Xsan

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  • Bye Bye Baby
    Feb 28, 01:09 AM
    The difference in the operating systems is more in terms of just function and applications- it is not a completely different operating system. So the idea of Apple giving you access to it on your lion disk is not an outrageous idea.


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  • friedmud
    Jun 20, 06:17 PM
    BTW - using Time Machine with this is a really bad idea!

    If your laptop gets stolen... so does the card inside it!

    Much better to keep your backups at home!

    hip hop clothes. The roots of hip hop clothing
  • The roots of hip hop clothing

  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 4, 01:40 PM
    mcrain should post his stuff on how raising taxes increase economy.

    I would post it myself but I deleted the PM a last week by mistake when I was cleaning out my inbox.
    I will say it was a great read and I agree with it.

    We do need to raises taxes as right now they are at record lows and clearly THEY ARE NOT WORKING. Instead due to the record lows things are getting worse and more things are having to be cut. On top of that most of these stats were warned years prior that if they cut those taxes that in a few years it will come back to hurt them big time. This was made worse by economic downturn and so budget shortfalls were even worse than what was projected.

    All service cut do is hurt 90% of the people for the top 5% of the income earns that they help.

    If you look at most of the tax cuts they are only for the top earners. Main street gets nothing but services cut. Tax cuts never effect them. GOP screams Tax cuts tax cuts but then you look at it the cuts do not help most of us. Instead they only hurt us.

    Also a kicker. the more you make the less each dollar saved helps. Tax cut at the top means money lost in revenue for the goverement but you MIGHT see 5-10% of that saved money go back into the economy. Most of it goes no were.
    Compared to tax cuts or service increase on the middle class and down you will see most of that money go back into the economy.

    Tell me if you want to boost the economy were do you put the injection. At the top were you might get 10% of it back or at the bottom were you will see nearly 100% of it back.
    GOP wants you to believe that it is at the top. Reality is that it should go at the bottom.


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  • amols
    Sep 27, 12:15 PM
    This is going to be the most rockin' update eva!!1

    Do you know something we don't ??

    hip hop clothes. Hip Hop Clothing
  • Hip Hop Clothing

  • Reach9
    Apr 21, 02:26 PM
    First of all, i don't know how legit this is, but for argument sake let the OP be true.

    I can see Apple giving the developers of Infinity Blade and Real Racing an iPhone with the A5 chip. Is it the iPhone 5? No. It's just an iPhone 4 + A5 chip.

    The actual iPhone 5 will have much more features. Apple always does this, because at the end of the day they're a business and they will add features which they omitted from iPhone 4. To get everyone to upgrade.
    I think iPhone 5 is Apple's top secret atm, hence we're barely hearing anything about it and it'll be May in a couple weeks.

    If the iPhone 5 is to be launched in September, then it'll probably have killer features or else it makes no sense right?

    I highly doubt Apple will call the next phone, iPhone 4S. It makes no sense.

    iPhone = iPhone 1
    iPhone 3G = iPhone 2
    iPhone 3GS = iPhone 3
    iPhone 4 = iPhone 4
    iPhone 4S = iPhone 5 ?
    iPhone 5 = iPhone 6 ?

    see what i mean? They'll probably stick to iPhone 5, or they'll adapt Roman Numerals.

    Now, regarding LTE/4G.
    Majority of America isn't ready for LTE, forget about the world. So I don't understand the need of it for this year's iPhone revision, but it makes sense for 2012.
    What will you be extracting from the cloud that will require LTE? Will you be rendering 3D models on the cloud or something?


    hip hop clothes. Street Wear and Hip Hop
  • Street Wear and Hip Hop

  • RacerX
    Apr 9, 05:26 PM
    LyX is what i miss most since i switch from linux to mac.
    Why do you miss it? Why didn't you just continue to use it?

    LyX for Mac OS X ( :eek:

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  • with clothes in hip-hop

  • Dreadnought
    Jun 13, 12:03 PM
    Cool, just what I always wanted for Christmas :p


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  • Adult HipHop Clothing pack

  • Daveway
    Apr 2, 04:46 PM
    Stop dogging on Word. Word and Powerpoint are GREAT apps. But only when on a mac. The Windows versions are horrid. When It comes to value, I think Office is better with the education version. I haven't been as comfortable with Keynote as I have with Powerpoint. To everyone his own, but Word is a GREAT app.

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  • See Flat
    Apr 14, 03:05 PM
    You can take they guy out of microsoft.
    Lets just hope they can take microsoft out of the guy. ;)


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  • Leisure Wear,hip hop jacket

  • Eriden
    Apr 5, 09:22 AM
    Hasn't Apple always been known for producing systems usable by the Everyman? Whereas the ubermenschen were off using UNIX systems at first, followed by Linux, Apple computers have always appealed to those who wanted to pick up a computer and start working, without technology getting in the way, at least since the Macintosh...

    hip hop clothes. Sean John wear hiphop clothing
  • Sean John wear hiphop clothing

  • dcv
    Sep 13, 12:40 PM
    You got to wear knickers?!
    I knew the nurses prepping me for my op's fancied me!


    yeah as i said - HUGE - bigger than Bridget Jones pants, one-size fits all sort of thing

    but still, glad to have been wearing those rather than going commando, given that they were going to be flinging my leg around during surgery... ;)


    hip hop clothes. Hip Hop
  • Hip Hop

  • yorkshire
    Dec 16, 01:56 PM
    Not sure why no one's commented on this yet, but yes, I've bought RATM. Hopefully we can wipe the smile off that smug t*** Cowell!

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  • discount hip hop clothing

  • Brometheus
    Apr 19, 02:31 PM
    On a more personal note: I do not need and I do not want Apple to tell me what I can read or see on my device. If I want to see naked flesh, then it's none of Apple's business and they have ZERO rights to deny me that. (I'm European - we're not prude here and we prefer sex over violence.) If I want to use software that directly competes with Apple's own offers, then obviously their competition is giving me something that I like better than Apple's software products.

    As much as I like Apple's computers, I hate their entire AppStore and iPhone SDK policies with a passion.

    My impression is that Apple does not want to tell you what to watch on your iPhone. If Apple had built tools into Safari that prevented you from visiting x-rated sites or somehow made it impossible to for you to transfer adult content from your computer to your iPhone, then you definitely could accuse them of trying to control what you watch on your phone. My sense is that Apple cares about the reputation of their app store. They don't want it to be known for pornography. I can envision a situation in which pornography could dominate the top paid and free apps list. I can easily understand why Apple would not want that. Another important thing to consider is that in today's world it doesn't take much for a media frenzy to develop if your product is linked to some kind of sensational crime or scandal. That could undo all of their years of working to create a certain image. You can certainly watch pornography or other sexual content on your iPhone. Apple simply does not want you to use the apps in the app store to do it.

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  • Women Urban Hip-hop Clothing

  • diamond.g
    Mar 28, 10:36 AM
    my thoughts: iOS 5 will have a new revamped UI. The dock will now have a launchpad icon that will bring up all the applications. There will be no need for badges as the notifications will be present on the main page just like widgets. There will be feeds/social widgets on homepages that integrate with social networks i.e. Ping, Facebook, and Twitter..

    Just my 2 cents.

    That seems like a copy of the Android interface...

    Aug 14, 02:54 PM
    I disagree totally. People buy superiority. Thats what a good portion of the population wants. Thats why peop;le buy designer clothes. Thats why people buy fancy cars. Thats why people buy expensive jewelery. Thats why people stay at 5 star hotels. People want to feel like they are better than everyone else or they've made better choices.

    Not everyone of course. But there are alot.

    How is the above disagreeing with me? You're saying people like to feel like they've bought superiority. And yet here's Apple coming along telling everyone that they haven't. Not only that they haven't, but that their choice was bad for a lot of reasons that, quite honestly, are untrue and that the buyers know are untrue.

    Now, of course, you could be saying that Apple should sell itself as the superior platform. But that doesn't require being insulting to do that. You can easily say "These are the benefits of Macintosh" without saying "...and anyone who doesn't buy one is a gray, boring, clone." Just as my game example: you want the "Blues" to feel that it's worth going to the Red stadium because they will have a good time. Because they will see a quality game. You'll not get them there if you insult their team. If you ridicule their choices. If you ridicule them.

    I've met too many people who find Apple's ads insulting and contrary to their own experience to believe that these ads are helping them in any way. Right now, Apple can sell itself as a great platform. Instead, it chooses to alienate its target audience. That's bad.

    Nov 2, 12:29 PM
    I don't see Apple getting more than 10% marketshare anytime soon unless they do something significant.

    I don't know anybody who has switched. I've known a few people who seriously considered it, but when they learned they'd have to spend another $200 for Windows XP so they can run their 'XP Only' things, they settled on a PC.

    I think Apple is more concern with building beautiful computers and fabulously looking music player than they are about selling large amount of PCs or mp3 players. Case in point, my office mate has a dell laptop and when we place our laptops next to one another (mine is a black MacBook) you can definitely tell. Personally, the reason why I brought the MacBook instead of a HP laptop that cost $500 less is because the HP laptop is ugly. It is simple. I don't care about the amazing video card that has a trillion bytes of RAM that I will never see. My MacBook works well (iLife, Safari and Office suite) and looks gorgeous!

    If Apple continues to create stylist electronic devices that are simple to use and help people do things easily, they will gain marketshare albeit not by much.


    Apr 5, 09:04 AM
    Picked up a 32 gig last night for $399. I had a choice between a 16 gig and the 32 gig. Those were the only two they had left in inventory. I figured since I'm going to be using this for quite a while, I'd go ahead and get the 32. I was glad they had a couple left. :D

    Jun 17, 10:39 PM
    The older models are no longer being made, that is correct.

    My guess, as I stated earlier...So the only model they're going to sell is the Elite Slim one once the supplies on the current Arcade and Pro are out?

    Oct 27, 06:26 AM
    This demonstrates that Adobe is a bunch of morons. If they listened to Apple and used xCode they could click one button and produce a universal binary.

    Perhaps Adobe writes ****** software that isn't engineered to be platform independant.

    Not for things that make hardware calls - it's not as easy of a compile.

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