Monday, June 6, 2011


caiman. Caiman crocodilus yacare
  • Caiman crocodilus yacare

  • fourthtunz
    Sep 13, 04:06 PM
    I think peecees are a great value if, you aren't using pci cards and you build your own but I just got the new dual 867 and it rocks! If your doing video you should check out final cut pro on OSX.2 Very solid and very fast!
    I adimit I don't have the very newest pc with the newest apps but the reason the Mac is now an even better deal is the very real speed of the new Machines,the new OS, and the Included apps are very good. Final cut does not exist for the Pc, its nearest competitor, from avid is about $700 more and not as good,so if you factor in everything,the New Macs are the best values in a long time. It will be interesting to see what happens on both sides next year:D

    caiman. del caimán sobresalen e la
  • del caimán sobresalen e la

  • Huntn
    Mar 11, 06:33 PM
    Nothing really major. If you think Norm Coleman was a good guy, and that EFCA was a bad, bad idea, HD is the place for you to be going. Mostly a matter of personal taste, really.

    I need options! I'm happy to shop other competitive retailers. I do avoid Walmart 99% of the time. :) Pretty soon all we will be able to afford is Walmart. :(

    caiman. Caiman Alligator
  • Caiman Alligator

  • MacFly123
    Nov 5, 06:46 PM
    at&t will know what your doing at all times:eek:

    Ya! So much for a chip in your body, they will have them in your mobile device which you will always have! :eek:

    This could have lots of cool uses though, and I was hoping a while ago that the iPhone would debut this technology on a large platform.

    caiman. This caiman is the most common
  • This caiman is the most common

  • flir67
    Nov 14, 01:10 PM
    LOL, now that was good...:D

    Zune (zoon)
    See: Brick

    Now that I say that, Zune can never have the Airline compatability! All those bricks would add too much weight!:p


    caiman. Puerto Maldonado, Peru: caiman
  • Puerto Maldonado, Peru: caiman

  • gmikesell
    Mar 11, 10:55 AM
    I'm here at stonebriar, #30 when I first got here, about 15 minutes later, I'm #32. no worries so far as long as there aren't spouses yet to join for everyone here currently. Lol. Line is up to The Sunglasses hut, on the corner from the skate rink.

    caiman. Dwarf Caimans Crocodile
  • Dwarf Caimans Crocodile

  • Gondry
    Oct 24, 07:55 AM
    it's 6pm local time on friday. 10/26/07



    caiman. Spectacled Caiman (Caiman
  • Spectacled Caiman (Caiman

  • SnowLeopard2008
    Apr 22, 10:07 PM
    The overreaction to the Intel HD3000 by people that have never used it is hysterical.

    The funniest part is watching people defend their C2D CPUs while dissing the Intel GPU.

    I agree. The Intel 3000 isn't as bad as people make it out to be. If you want to play games, don't bother with an Air. A computer is a tool. If it can't perform the function that you want it to (aka gaming), then why buy it? It's function over form. Not the other way around.

    As for the backlit keyboard, it's both function and form but I usually don't rely on it to type something unless I'm hunting for a key that I don't use very often. No, I don't memorize where the keys are, I just have been typing on a keyboard for many years and now where the keys are because that's how I learned to type.

    caiman. A Green Caiman Lizard suns
  • A Green Caiman Lizard suns

  • Liquorpuki
    Apr 9, 02:32 PM
    Other organizations do that stuff also. The majority of Planned Parenthood's business is abortions.

    PS don't Planned Parenthood's origins

    First other organizations offer abortions as well. So I'm not sure what your logic is getting at.

    Second PP was not started by the KKK.

    Finally, I don't know if what Abby Johnson is saying is true but if abortions are truly going on at a magnitude that she suggests and PP is illegally funding them, I don't know why she's the only firsthand source.

    I dont know how many of you guys actually have firsthand experience with PP and how many are just doing the keyboard jockey thing but I've been in 3 Planned Parenthood waiting rooms. Those places are always packed with women. It'll be raining and the place won't open for another hour and there will still be a line outside. From looking around, I have never seen any woman there with a late term pregnancy. What I did see were a lot of women - usually from high school to mid-20's, lower income, probably no health insurance. Since my high school days, PP has always been the primary resource for testing and/or contraception. Through their counseling, which is actually pretty effective, it's also one of the best resources to learn how to be sexually responsible.


    caiman. El yacaré Común. Yacare Caiman
  • El yacaré Común. Yacare Caiman

  • chaosbunny
    Apr 30, 12:04 PM
    As long as I don't have to use the AppStore it's fine.

    caiman. caimans, snakes (Emerald
  • caimans, snakes (Emerald

  • Digidesign
    Sep 19, 05:10 PM
    That's really interesting! You just held "c" at boot to load up the XP CD?

    I'm guessing you still needed to use a "slipstreamed" XP SP2 CD with the SATA drivers installed so it doesn't run in dog slow PIO mode

    Where the hell did you find chipset drivers, graphics card drivers, sound card drivers etc? :confused:

    I made a MacPro driver CD from Bootcamp, and a slipstreamed XP SP2 CD. The slipstreamed XP SP2 CD boots up just fine holding "c" at boot.


    caiman. Caiman 4x4 BAE Systems Armor
  • Caiman 4x4 BAE Systems Armor

  • iAlan
    Sep 26, 03:49 AM
    So? Some words like "Podcast" are adopted from popular culture. I still talk about Walkmans, not "Portable Audio Cassette Decks". Imagine how annoying that would be to say every time?
    Apple should really reconsider their actions.

    Good point there! I think Apple may in fact be more likely to not want anyone else to get control and 'bastardize' the use. I think it would be good for Apple to gain 'ownership' but not to exert the right that this might entail.

    caiman. Caiman Bolivia
  • Caiman Bolivia

  • Raid
    May 3, 11:46 AM
    Are you say that you are leaving? Then don't let the door hit your on your arse.

    This is a democracy and in a democracy there are winners and losers. If you cannot respect the will of the people then I suggest that you find some communist/fascist paradise where you can be free of democracy.Whoa there, you sound like you're in favour of a conservative majority so why come out with guns blazing? This isn't an American political thread you know. :) Oh and BTW while our first-past-the-post system is probably best for local representation, saying it's the will of the people ( is not quite the same.

    We have and will continue to have universal healthcare. We have and will continue to have a pension system and hopefully the conservatives can patch it up so that it will there for me when I retire as a supplement/backup for my RRSPs. The opposition parties would have either bankrupted the pension system or raised taxes on everyone which would have caused another recession. I truly hope that the conservatives will strengthen both our health care and pension systems the baby boomers are going to add significant costs to both and there's nothing any party can do about that. However I heard 'stay the course' from the political messaging from the conservatives and nothing about health care or pensions.

    The conservatives are "real" fiscal conservatives unlike the republicans and social moderates. Understand this, social moderate mean that they are out to serve the needs of all Canadians and not just special interests. If there are problems with our system then the solution needs to be to fix it for everyone as that is the only fair thing to do. If you pay into the system then you should be able to access that system. I hope you are right, but tax cuts to big oil and billion dollar summits don't sound to fiscally conservative do they?


    caiman. Sepasang Cuvier#39;s Dwarf Caiman
  • Sepasang Cuvier#39;s Dwarf Caiman

  • 0010101
    Nov 2, 11:51 AM
    I don't see Apple getting more than 10% marketshare anytime soon unless they do something significant.

    I don't know anybody who has switched. I've known a few people who seriously considered it, but when they learned they'd have to spend another $200 for Windows XP so they can run their 'XP Only' things, they settled on a PC.

    Price and functionality. That's what drives todays computer market.

    Yes, you'll have people buying the Intel iMac.. most of the 'switchers' will do so just because it's a neat looking box. They'll still be using Windows on it.

    PC sales are always down on the eve of a new OS release. Nobody wants to buy a new computer with yesterdays OS on it.

    The people i've talked with aren't interested in running dual OS's. They aren't interested in having to restart their computer to run this app, then restart again to run that other app.

    They just want to sit down and use the computer to do whatever it is they want to do, then get on with life.

    And they want to do it without spending a bunch of money.

    As long as Micro$oft keeps making Windows, and HP/Compaq/Dell keep making $499 computers, the WinTel platform will be the dominant platform.

    If I were Apple, I would have made an AMD powered, or fast single core HT capable Intel Mini and introduced it in the sub $400 price range and sold them right along side the X Boxes and PS2's at WalMart.

    Selling such a unit, in such an accessable venue would certianly increase marketshare, and with increased marketshare comes increased software development.. which does nothing add value to their higher end, high margin systems like the iMac and Mac Pro.

    caiman. Black Caiman
  • Black Caiman

  • SwiftLives
    Apr 8, 12:51 PM
    I say its time we overthrow the republicans and democrats and start a party which is ANTI-CORPORATIONS and is for the people and by the people.. Who's with me?

    And that will last until the new party gets its first corporate donation...

    Not that I'm a cynic.

    And what's with this rhetoric? "overthrow"? Really? And you do realize you just Goodwin-ed this discussion...


    caiman. Caiman Lizard: WhoZoo
  • Caiman Lizard: WhoZoo

  • SteveRichardson
    Aug 14, 01:37 PM
    You are wrong.
    Proven by Apples rising market share.;)

    You cant keep saying that these ads are hurting apple if they keep selling more and more computers.
    It makes no sense.:confused:

    Not because of these commercials.

    caiman. Species Caiman crocodilus
  • Species Caiman crocodilus

  • Ish
    Mar 12, 05:13 PM (

    Nice one! :)


    caiman. caiman in leticia zoo
  • caiman in leticia zoo

  • ciTiger
    Apr 12, 06:29 PM
    Let's see if this improves performance...

    caiman. Guyana News and Information
  • Guyana News and Information

  • Kahnyl
    Apr 15, 04:58 PM
    I've just installed Lion on a blank drive on a new Air and this is in Software Update. I'm definitely running DP2 as it says in the dialog. Is this telling me to update to something I already have or is there a DP3 I haven't heard about?'

    Dev Center shows newly posted Xcode releases but still lists DP2. Maybe it's propagating.

    On a Friday. Weird, if so.

    caiman. Caiman crocodilus fuscus
  • Caiman crocodilus fuscus

  • colmaclean
    Mar 26, 05:20 PM
    Is this a still from the next series of Curb Your Enthusiasm?

    Apr 24, 04:26 AM
    I think Windows 7 is pretty damn good, both from a user standpoint and a developer standpoint. As an end user OS, it's pretty nice - TONS of media options besides the Apple Ecosystem (TM), and Aero is quite nice.

    As a developer OS, Visual Studio has one of the strongest debugging tools around - provided you learn how to effectively use them.

    As an enterprise OS, there are immense amounts of control and management - albeit very, very expensive ones xD

    I wouldn't trade some aspects of OS X, like the Unix-ish core - but if Windows took up a Unix-ish backend I'd probably dump OS X in a heartbeat and probably never look back.

    Don't get me wrong, OS X is a fantastic OS and I've enjoyed using it for the past 10 years, and I'll probably continue to buy many more Macs. Sometimes, I get tired of Steve Jobs' pigheaded nature and the last 2 releases of OS X haven't really had any new uniquely Apple things. Lion doesn't exactly look promising on that front. :\

    It's still really good though, but it hurts to see the amount of crap I see on this board as far as childish behavior regarding what OS someone decides to use. I've carried around my Vaio before and had some Mac friends trash talk my Vaio, and carried my PowerBook around and had my PC friends trash talk my Mac lol :D

    May 2, 12:54 PM
    This is a relief. :D

    Mar 26, 06:29 PM
    It's a point of human interest, not to mention it was an interesting guessing game for those of us who have lived/worked in Palo Alto. Far more interesting than most of the stuff I read about these days that passes as "news."

    Jan 6, 04:10 PM
    I had to delete the Facebook app and reinstall for the push notification options to come up on my phone. Did try restarting the phone before that but made little difference.

    Time Less
    Apr 21, 02:26 PM
    When the current form-factor is fundamentally flawed:

    1. Fragile build materials (glass that shatters)


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